Our Cancer Services fund is used to pay for services, equipment, improvements to the environment & additional comforts which improve the care and experience of local people living with a cancer diagnosis.
We need at least £25,000 every year to continue providing this support, can you help? Read more below about just some of the ways in which the charity supports our Cancer Services.

Chemotherapy Recliner Chairs
Last year, thanks to our supporters, we were able to purchase 9 new high-tech recliner chairs for the chemotherapy unit at a cost of £20,000
The chairs are much more comfortable than the old standard chairs and have lots of features which help make someone's treatment a much better experience.
Katie Edge, Macmillan Lead Chemotherapy Nurse said: “We are absolutely delighted with our new chairs! A lot of our patients can be here for up to 10 hours a day so it’s important we make them as comfortable as possible. The chairs we’ve got now include a USB port, WiFi, they have a pillow incorporated and recline. Feedback has been amazing!”
Here is what some patients have said about the new chairs:
Malcolm said: “Very comfortable! We have reclining chairs at home and these are similar and very nice. The chairs are really comfortable and suitable for what they are designed for.”
Jennifer said: “These chairs are a godsend for me. The treatment can make my ankles swell so they are absolutely fantastic!”
Steven said: “The chairs are great and really versatile. It helps me to feel comfortable whilst I receive my treatment.”

Scalp Cooling Caps
In 2021 the charity funded two new Paxman Scalp Coolers for the Chemotherapy Unit at Leighton Hospital. The state-of-the-art units are designed to help reduce the likelihood that women undergoing chemotherapy will lose their hair during treatment. Hair loss can be extremely distressing for some women who are already going through an incredibly difficult time in their lives.
Katie Edge, Macmillan Lead Chemotherapy Nurse, said: “We are really pleased to be able to offer this service to our patients with the purchase of two new Paxman Scalp Cooling Units.
“It is recognised within chemotherapy that hair loss is a distressing side effect for some cancer patients therefore to be able to offer this service will enhance our patients’ cancer experience.”
The Paxman units, which have helped more than 100,000 cancer patients worldwide, work by reducing the temperature of the scalp by a few degrees immediately before, during and after the administration of chemotherapy. This, in turn, reduces the blood flow to hair follicles, which may prevent or minimise hair loss.
Previous scalp coolers used to be uncomfortable to wear due to the temperatures that they would go to, however, the new coolers allow patients to be more comfortable.
Leighton Hospital’s new units allow patients to receive scalp cooling treatment within their local area and not have to travel far, such as to specialist centres, to receive the same benefits.
The units cost over £30,000 which has a big impact on the balance of the Cancer Services Fund. We had originally planned to launch a fundraising appeal for the coolers in 2020 but the start of pandemic affected our ability to fundraise, so we had to use money already available to us. This has depleted our fund considerably, we now need the help of our local communities and businesses to rebuild the fund so that the money is available for future initiatives and to secure the support we provide well into the future.
Hypnotherapy Service
A cancer diagnosis can have a huge impact on most patients and their families. Feelings of depression, anxiety, and fear are very common responses to this life-changing experience.
Self-esteem and confidence are eroded. Physical symptoms such as pain, nausea, fatigue, and a fear of death are a few of the experiences commonly reported. People experiencing anxiety or depressive states can struggle to tolerate treatment and this is where the hypnotherapy service can really help.
“Hypnosis is a powerful tool for promoting healing, growth and transformation. It works by activating a creative state of mind and body where new learning can occur effectively, almost effortlessly.”
Hypnotherapy is offered for needle phobias, hospital related phobias and anxiety. Without the funding provided by MCH Charity some patients would not be able to tolerate diagnostic or treatment interventions. The service currently supports over 200 patients every year and costs almost £20,000 a year to operate.
Here's what some of the people who have used the service say about it:
‘I really valued my hypnotherapy sessions. It helped me at a very frightening time in the past months. I learnt some techniques to try and be more positive. I was sorry when these sessions came to an end’.
‘I just wanted to get in touch to say a huge thank you to you for enabling me to have my hypnotherapy sessions. They have been absolutely invaluable in helping me come to terms with my recent cancer diagnosis and treatment and in moving my life forwards. I am extremely grateful – thank you so much’.
Another service delivered at MCHT for people living with a cancer diagnosis is a counselling service provided by qualified volunteers. Although the service itself is free, professional counsellors are required to have supervision as part of their practice. Some of our volunteers would have to pay out of their own pocket for this, so the funding is provided by MCH Charity to ensure our wonderful volunteers can continue to offer their support to our patients.
Speak to us about getting involved today so we can make a difference tomorrow.
Call us: 01270 273248
Email: charity@mcht.nhs.uk
Let's get social - find us on Facebook and Twitter @mchcharity
Donate to the Cancer Services fund

Why not challenge yourself to running in the Manchester marathon to raise money for our Cancer Services Fund in April 2025?
How can you help?
We are so grateful for every donation we receive for our Cancer Services Fund. To help us plan ahead and to keep the service running regular donations are even more important to us - even a small amount can make all the difference.
We love our fundraisers and enjoy supporting them with their challenges and events. If you have an idea for fundraising please get in touch to get registered and so that we can help provide you with any resources you might need.
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