Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Fund / 'One in Eleven' Fund

Help us to raise funds so we can continue to fund high-tech equipment and additional comforts to improve the care and experience for our tiny patients and their families

Our NICU fund is used to pay for high-tech specialist equipment, which is over and above what the NHS provides, to help care for our tiniest patients.

Eight years ago MCH Charity was proud to fund the creation of the new Neonatal Unit at Leighton Hospital through the hugely successful 'One in Eleven' Appeal.

Since then the charity has continued to support the unit to further enhance the care and experience for very poorly babies and their parents.

Your donations make a huge difference to what we're able to do to support the amazing team here at Leighton. No matter how large or small we appreciate your donation, thank you.

The NICU team are always so grateful for any donation to their charitable fund
The NICU team are always so grateful for any donation to their charitable fund

CMAC Video laryngoscope

If a baby has a difficult airway, they are likely to require intubation. There is a process for intubation, and equipment such as Oropharangeal airways, iGels, medication to sedate the baby for intubation, can all help to manage a difficult airway.

A video laryngoscope is a piece of equipment that enhances patient care, by potentially facilitating successful endotracheal intubation and decreases the adverse consequences of a delay in airway stabilisation.

By having a display screen connected to the video laryngoscope, not only can the Doctor performing the intubation see clearly, but this could also be used for educational purposes by observing the intubation on the display screen. The equipment can also be used with a manikin to teach intubation and so helps with staff training too.

This year MCH Charity approved a request for £13,000 to pay for this kit which will soon be arriving on the unit.


Memory boxes and baby diaries

We fund memory boxes and baby diaries for babies who are going into foster care or on to adoption from the neonatal unit. We can now ensure that each baby in the care of social services, without parental involvement has their very own special items from birth, including: a lovely blanket, first soft toy, bottle, bag and items of clothing, plus a keepsake box. Donations to the NICU Fund enable us to provide a baby diary for every baby going into foster care, documenting their early days, with photos and foot/hand prints for them to look back on.

It can not be overstated how invaluable these items will become to any looked after child as part of their life story work, ensuring they know their entire story from birth and that someone cared to provide them with their own things to keep.


NICU nurses hold the baby memory boxes and diaries funded by the charity

'Bili Blanket'

When a newborn baby has jaundice, they need phototherapy. It's also essential to have skin-to-skin contact with their parents.
Without a 'Bili Blanket' baby needs to lay in their cot under a fixed phototherapy light, only removed briefly to be fed.

Before the unit had the blankets parents weren't able to hold and feed their baby as often which could cause them distress. Our funding demonstrates the type of big impact we can have on improving families experiences in the first days of their baby's life.



Future Plans

Tecotherm Infant Cooling System

The team is hoping to purchase a 'cooling mattress' which is a specialised treatment used for extremely poorly babies. The kit costs around £36,000 and will be funded from a major donation gifted to the NICU fund by a grateful family whose baby was cared for on the unit.

Breast Pumps

The unit already has a number of breast pumps but they have asked the charity to fund additional pumps to ensure there are always enough to go around and so they have spare pumps for when others are being cleaned or maintained.

8 new pumps cost £17,000



If you would like to fundraise for the unit please contact us first and we'll give you all the information & resources you need.

Call us: 01270 273248


Let's get social - find us on Facebook and Twitter @mchcharity

Amount raised in 2024 so far

Message from the NICU team

'Thank you so much to everyone who attended our Prematuritea Party on Saturday 12 November to celebrate World Prematurity Day.

We loved seeing all our NICU graduates growing up!  A special thank you to all the staff who helped on the day and made cakes too.'

Lyndsay and Connor with baby Leo NICU

We rely on our supporters to fundraise for the NICU fund. If you would like to do something amazing for poorly babies cared for at Leighton Hospital contact us today. We will provide resources and support to make your fundraising the best it can be.


Our fundraisers are amazing, would you like to join our NICU Crew?
Our fundraisers are amazing, would you like to join our NICU Crew?
Penny Kenyon and Kim Holden Sandstone trial

Supporting your local hospital couldn't be easier!

Click below or get in touch with the team to find out more, we're here to help.

Be a fundraiser

Cake sales to marathons, fun days to sky dives, whatever you're planning we're here to help! Please get in touch before you start so we can provide you with authorisation and all the resources you might need to help your fundraising be the best it can be.


We are always looking for people who can spare a few hours a week to help our small team. You could help out in the office and around the hospital site or support us at events both at the hospital and in the local community. To find out more please contact our Charity Manager on 01270 273 248 or email

Corporate Support

We are very lucky to have wonderful support from many local businesses. Choose us as your 'Charity of the Year'; use our challenge places to give to your staff; talk to us about donating goods or services which we can use as prizes in raffles, or sponsor one of our events. Get in touch to find out more.