Born Survivor
April 26
Enlist your squad at Born Survivor to test your team’s fitness, teamwork, and resilience. Motivate your team to complete the ultimate 10km safe in the knowledge that their are two escape routes available reducing the course to 8km or 6km accordingly making this the perfect team goal for mixed abilities! – Take on the mud & between 27 – 32 Obstacles with a ‘Can Do Attitude’. Start together, conquer together!
This is the Ultimate Team Mission and one worthy of the awesome medal that will be pinned on your chest after completing this glorious raid! Test your team’s physical/mental resolve and in doing so forge a camaraderie that can only be truly replicated in a Military inspired environment.
Recruit your buddies for the UK’s Biggest Authentic Military Obstacle Course designed and delivered by Royal Marines Commandos.
Registration: £25 per person
Minimum sponsorship: £150
Click HERE to see when the next booking wave ends and to register your team’s interest.
Corporate employee offer: Buy places through us to gift to your staff. Great as a staff benefit or to use as a team building exercise. Contact us for more details charity@mcht.nhs.uk