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MCHFT Staff – Best Dressed Tree 2021
November 9, 2021 at 8:00 am - December 10, 2021 at 12:00 pm
Does your ward or department always have THE best Christmas tree?
We’re looking for trees which celebrate and showcase your team and the work that you do. Prizes will be given for the very best trees.
Last date for registration – Monday 29 November
Last date for entry – Friday 10 December
Judging and winner announced week beginning 13 December
1. Register your entry by sending an email to charity@mcht.nhs.uk with the following details:
a. Ward number or department name. b. Contact name c. Contact number
£5 entry fee can be paid at cashiers, charity office (limited opening hours so please call us on x3248 to check we’re in) or via bank transfer – please speak to a member of the team if you require our bank details
2. Involve your team to plan the design
3. Ensure your design complies with Trust fire and Infection
Prevention guidance
4. Get creative and decorate your tree!
5. Send photos (and any additional information) for judging to
Photos of your finished tree should be sent via email to the
above address or via Whatsapp to 07917 517148 as soon as it’s
finished, but at the latest by 12 midday on Friday 10 December
We would like to promote the competition by adding photos of
your creations to Facebook, therefore please ensure that the
correct permissions have been gained if patients, visitors or staff
are visible in the photos.
Judging will be based on the following criteria:
• Creativity / innovation
• Best use of resources
• Evidence of team working
• Added value such as patient involvement, fundraising etc.
The judge’s decision is final. No alternative prizes will be offered. All funds raised from the entry fees will go towards the Children’s Emergency Care Appeal.